There is absolutely no reason for these two cycles renders to be different...yet they are...why??????????


I'm following along with the node setup in the Cycles 4D version of this downloadable noise generator

and in the attached image is a nearly exact duplicate of the nodes they built along with the same sun light. Their setup renders nebulous clouds, and mine renders nothing. What is going on????????11 235341 - Copy.png

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Sid,

    I can't see anything wrong with the Nodes.

    The first thing that comes to mind, is the Light (look at the Strength and make sure it's a Sun Light).

    Make sure that your Operating System and (GPU!) Drivers are up to date.

    Disable all third party Addons, that you might be using.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    It could also be the scale. Maybe you have things too big or scale isn't applied. Blender is 80% troubleshooting, something always acts up, you get used to it. 

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