Bump not working

Hey! Love your course it's my favourite so far. Everything worked for me up until bump node I did exactly like you did and plugged it into normals and plugged the mask into the height but it doesn't work it removes the entire texture we created and does a weird emission effect and if I move the sphere it slowly disappears not sure why it does that couldn't find any information online and I restarted everything but I still have the same issue. I'm working with blender 3.6 since my computer can't run newer than that.
1 love
  • Dakshan Jayatilaka(Dakshan123) replied

    10 at 8.47.20 PM.png

    1 love
  • Dakshan Jayatilaka(Dakshan123) replied

    10 at 8.47.40 PM.png10 at 8.47.49 PM.png10 at 8.47.01 PM.png

    1 love
  • Dakshan Jayatilaka(Dakshan123) replied

    if I remove it everything looks fine10 at 8.54.43 PM.png

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Dakshan123 ,

    That's super weird!

    Could you provide a link to your .blend file, please (via Dropbox, Googledrive, or so)?

    2 loves
  • Dakshan Jayatilaka(Dakshan123) replied
    yes of course thanks for your help here it is! : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E3MA4OHxxfT8huJqmIvWbBR1vETJJrOJ/view?usp=share_link
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied


    This is when I simply connect the Bump in your file in 4.2:


    So, all good there.

    And in 3.6.14:


    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Not sure what's going on  Dakshan123 ,

    But it's not that something is wrong in your file.

    Very often the Graphics Driver is the problem in cases like this; try upgrading (or maybe even downgrading) the Driver. Also make sure your Operating System is up to date. (But there also, sometimes an Update breaks something...)

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    And just to be sure, I downloaded 3.6.15 and tested it there  as well. Same result, all good.

    2 loves
  • Dakshan Jayatilaka(Dakshan123) replied

    perfect thank you so much I'll look into that and hopefully it'll fix it I've been having this issue with a lot of my projects that use bump or displacements in the texture and I did a lot of research and couldn't find what I was doing wrong and gave up a lot of projects but you've confirmed that it wasn't the files but the graphics driver or updates or something else outside the file, which makes sense since I have a really bad computer. Saved me a bunch of time trying to further research what was wrong with my files thanks!

    • 👍🏼
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hope you figure out what's wrong!

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    You could also try disabling all 3rd party Addons, if you have any; they can also be the cause of weird behavior in Blender.

    2 loves