Weight painting experience

I'm thoroughly enjoying rigging, but weight painting is proving a challenge.

Aside from what is taught in the rigging fundamentals and RIG, does anyone have any tips, or preferences for how to approach it?

Experience and practice are of course paramount in getting better - which is ultimately what I am doing.

But in terms of "tips", it might be which body part to start with, or which weight painting overlays someone might like to have enabled over others. I'm using my wacom to do the painting, and I quite like using the pressure sensitivity for the strength and gradually increasing the weight. I also like to set the zero weights to Active under the weight painting overlays to help indentify "rogue weights", however I seem to recall being able to essentially erase the blue data entirely be subtracting it with a brush in 4.2 - however that doesn't seem to work the same in 4.3?

1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Make use of the paint mask and auto normalize. Also with pen make use of the context menu(Right mouse button or W if you're using right click select) I generally manually assign and then weight paint as a last resort, but I was using a mouse. I just recently got an XP-Pen, but I'm still getting use to it.