Hi there,
Are there any courses here that really dive into the NLA editor use? Looking for recommendations...
Yeah... I don't know how much it would make sense to do one now since they are changing so much on that side of Blender with the Animation project. But like with everything else, maybe it wouldn't hurt to learn this way so we can see why it is better when they upgrade lol. I'd throw it on the wishlist, why not?!
Thanks Omar.
I'd like to tackle it, and back in 2018 I exported a quick keymap which gave you shortcuts for the NLA that emulated things like FCP and Premiere, but it is a module that is still in flux, and anything I research and create today might be obsolete very soon. I will watch this space however, and if I can put together some evergreen topics for editing, I'll pitch them.
That would be lovely!! 🙌 Or maybe even a longer one-off tutorial sort of thing for now... explaining the basic lay of the land, and letting us know what is intended to be changed and why it will be for the best? Thanks for keeping tabs at it. I feel like it's a greatly underused tool because it can be a tad confusing, but it sounds like it would speed up overall animations.
Thanks Dwayne! Yeah, I did watch a couple from Pierrick and one basic one from Chris Bailey. They are very good and got me going for this project... but nothing like the depth we see in the Fundamentals courses here.
I'm hitting a few snags and troubleshooting more than animating lol. But I'll get there.
Actually, a couple more question on this subject... I'm trying to create all actions I'll need to then do the NLA setup, but in the process to testing a scene I have already created one "strips stack".
I know with actions I can hit the shield and they will not be lost, but what about the strips stack? Is there a way I can work non-destructively with them? Maybe swapping between "sets of animations", and being able to go back into to edit that combination of strips?
And secondly: what is best? Once all is set and done should I bake the animations? Or merge the strips? I think that's what the meta-strips are. I think...
Meta strips isn't baking. It takes a group of strips and groups them together. Just like node groups. I don't remember, but I think you can just select it and tab to open it for editing/tweaking the strips inside. I could be wrong on that. Worst case is alt+Ctrl+g will ungroup/remove the meta strip and place the stripes back.
Got it. So it's just for organization sake?
Is there a reason why I would want to bake the strips instead of just grouping them into meta strips and keep the ability to edit it should I wish?
This is probably the most comprehensive resource I found so far. Dropping it here in case it can be useful to someone searching this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAo7HxxxA08