If a light source is below the backdrop paper, how do I pretend it's not?


As in the attached picture, I have a point light below the plane. However, I still want this light to illuminate the object above it anyway. How do I use light/shadow linking to accomplish this?

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Sid,

    Maybe just use a Light Path Node:


    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    First, there's an easier way, which works in both eevee and cycles.
    1. Select Plane
    2. Properties editor->Object tab->Visibility tab->[eevee]uncheck shadows under ray visibility. [Cycles] Ray Visibly subpanel->Uncheck Shadows

    Second, The answer to your question:
    1. Select Light
    2. Properties editor->Object tab->Shading Panel->Shadow Linking subpannel->Click New
    3. Add the Plane to the Shadow Linking by Pressing and holding LMB on the plane in the outliner add drag and drop it in the shodow linking panel.
    4. Uncheck Plane.