Bone Collections - Data Tab keeps unexpanding

This might be applicable to other situations, I'm off my comp now but can check later.

In the bone data tab, under bone collections, we can expand the list to see more collections.

But when I change to another property tab and then go back to the data tab, the bone collections 'unexpands'. IE I need to pull it down each time to see my collections. It's a suprisingly big pain to need to do over and over again when I'm in a flow.

Have I possibly changed a setting somewhere? It didn't used to do this prior to 4.3

prop panel.png

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Harris,

    That sounds like a bug to doesn't do that with Vertex Groups, for instance...

    1 love
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    I'll see if I can report it. I'd have hoped it would have fixed itself upon reopening Blender, but it's still there. Cheers anyway!

    1 love