I noticed my model had a bit more stretching around the mouth area than what I saw on Kent's model. I tried relaxing it a bit more, but the relaxing at a certain point became very minimal. I just wanted to check if this is acceptable to move forward. I ask to avoid problems, don't the line.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jonatan,
Maybe try putting another Seam around the lips, that might help with the stretching.
Alternatively, you could Import your Head (model) into Blender 4.3 and Unwrap it with the Minimal Stretch algorithm (S.L.I.M.) and see if that gives a better result (increase the iterations, if needed).
But, as for your actual question, I think the stretching might still be too much, as you have it now.
I have added a crease around the lips, with better results. Thank you for your swift and helpful feedback.