I know that you mention a few ways to take the "bites" off from the lower right corner but they take the same time, but I was wondering, wouldn't a boolian with three cillinders not be much faster and less fuzzy that grabbing the bevels by hand? Is it because it is a tutorial for beginners and you think it might be too complex, is a boolian not handy for some reason that I cannot think of (I'm a noob) or is something else going on?
Thanks in advance!
A boolean would also work yes. In Blender there are always many many ways to do the same thing, none of them right or wrong, just different approaches. As you work you learn to judge what approach would work best and use it, but it doesn't really mean going any other way was wrong either. In this case, as you say, since it's a tutorial, the teacher also has in mind how to use different methods so we can see different ways of doing the same thing. So don't think too much about it, I think more importantly is that you try for yourself when you have an idea so you start seeing the pro's and con's of how you choose to do your modeling.
The thing is often times you have to clean up a Boolean operation which also takes time. Not to mention n-gons and booleans can be temperamental. With that said, try it out. Play with. That is both experience and learning opportunity.