Why does my model look like this?

Question Modeling

I tried merging by distance and recalculating normals and it didn't fix this issue?

This is material preview and they have the exact same material.

This is solid view:

Is there a way I can fix this? What did I do wrong?

This is the link to my project: Project

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi MMateshan ,

    You have Smooth Shaded the puzzle pieces. Try Object > Shade Auto Smooth, with each piece Selected, this will Add a Smooth By Angle Modifier and fix the Shading:


    2 loves
  • Jugrastan Matei(Mateshan) replied

    Even when I do that, there's still weird lighting on the surface 

    Shading it to flat works for me though since it's a simple model with no need of shading it to smooth, but why did this happen in the first place? What did I mess up when I modeled this?

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Works perfectly fine for me when I right click and shade auto smooth.


    You must have added something else on that screenshot.

    But if you want good results, you have to follow the rules of topology. You have big Ngons and those do not work so well, only in specific situations. Try making your model all quads for now and your loops have to follow good flow.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    It's not a Modeling issue, it's a Shading issue.

    Shading Flat or Shade Auto Smooth both work (on the flat surfaces).

    It looks like you only Shaded one piece Auto Smooth. There is no weird Shading when I try it:


    2 loves
  • Jugrastan Matei(Mateshan) replied

    Ok, so it does work for the version I sent. Thank you for answering!

    This next shading issue started happening when I added a bevel to the top edges.


    (if you go into material preview you can see it best)

    Is this because of the amazing topology on the model? :)))

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah, it all comes with practice. And we all have to make a lot of mistakes before we start getting the hang of things. The more you model, the more you fix mistake after mistake, it slowly starts to click.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Well, you're last Link gives "Access Denied".

    But adding a Bevel doesn't seem to cause any problems:


    1 love
  • Jugrastan Matei(Mateshan) replied

    Sorry, the link should work now.

    It might be because I added it in edit mode instead of using the modifier because for some reason that didn't seem to do anything when I applied it.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Yes, it's working now.

    The Angle between the top Faces and the Bevel is causing the top Face to be Shaded Smooth. If you raise that top, the Shading issue will be gone (but that's not what you want to do, of course):


    There are several things you can do, but the easiest is probably, to Select the top Faces and CTRL+F > Shade Flat.

    2 loves
  • Jugrastan Matei(Mateshan) replied

    Awesome, it works now! Thank you! 

    • 👍🏼
    1 love