took me almost a month :(

This is an amazing course and Jonathan explained it really really well. I would also like to thank Omar ,Dwayne and Martin for all the additional assistance. I am a really slow learner and it took me almost 3 1/2 weeks and multiple redo's to get a satisfactory result(modeling part) and i am unsure if i should feel bad about it.That being said , I learnt a lot in these 3 weeks and i feel like it would be a good idea to do more basic modelling courses before moving forward. How should i proceed?
  • Abhi A(abhi) replied


  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Abhi,

    That's a great result, you can be proud! There is absolutely no need to feel bad about taking almost a month to finish this.

    If you want to learn more, the Fundamentals of Mesh Modeling is a 'must': 

  • Omar Domenech replied

    I agree with Martin, nothing to feel bad about. You are only beginning to learn and this 3D stuff is hard, it'll take time and it'll take whatever the time it needs to take. We're all different. Today is three weeks, then it'll be two weeks, then one week and then it'll become second nature and you wont even think about time. Just have fun and enjoy the process. 

    After the fundamentals of mesh modeling, another beginner's friend course is REV: