I made my own material for the ball but when i render a video for some reason it brings back the "default material" (the orange ball). I have tried to delete the script, and all properties related to it. This is especially weird because in the viewport it looks correct even in the material and render view, but the actual render still uses the wrong material. Might this have something to do with the script? Thanks.
Hi Anssi,
I'd have to see your file to be sure but here is what I think is happening.
The ball geometry is being swapped using a geometry nodes set up. So the placeholder mesh (the ball) is actually being overridden by one of the copies that are in the Balls collection.
If you are changing the place holder mesh, it will be overriden but 'default' ball.
It could be that same situation in reverse.
Maybe you are changing one of the meshes that placeholder mesh gets swapped out with. However, if you have disconnected the geo nodes set up, then it won't actually get swapped.
I hope that makes sense - but if not - feel free to submit your work as an exercise for me to look at the problem (it's hard to guess without more information)