What am I doing wrong?

I can see the smoke in the Solid view, but when I switch to Render view, only the two objects appear, and the smoke doesn't show, no matter where I am in the animation. I did the bake and added light, but the smoke still isn't visible

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  • Maru Kacef(Maru92) replied

    s) 6.20.18 p. m..pngs) 6.20.11 p. m..png

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Maru,

    What do your Nodes for the Domain Material look like?

    And what is the Size and Strength of that Area Light?

    1 love
  • Maru Kacef(Maru92) replied

    Thank you for your response. I increased the power and size of the area light, but there is no difference in the render view. I’m sending a photo of the domain nodes) 10.08.24 a. m..png

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Maru,

    The Principled Volume Node should go into the Volume Socket of the Material Output Node, not into the Surface.

    1 love
  • Maru Kacef(Maru92) replied

    That was the issue! Thanks a lot.

    • 👍🏼
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