I decided to just play with the skin modifier to understand it a it more. The problem is, I don't understand how you can...

posted to: Skin Modifier Base
I decided to just play with the skin modifier to understand it a it more. The problem is, I don't understand how you can move around the vertices on the modifier frame because I'm in edit mode and I cannot seem to do anything with those vertices.
  • betty (bettycbettyc-com) replied
    Okay -- I got it. Being a very new newbie to this blender thing, I wasn't grasping the concept that you were just adjusting the vertices of the original edge, which then manipulates the shape of the armature created by the skin modifier. I was trying to click on the vertices of the edges in skin modifier armature. I'm not even sure if armature is the right term, but I think I saw it in the manual page for the skin modifer :)