Bloom and some settings are removed in 4.2

Hello! I couldn't turn on Bloom and some settings like Screen Space Reflections. Internet said they're removed from 4.2 update. May I know how can I create those nice touch of the Bloom effects in the new Blender version? Everything I followed in your tutorial and created looks so cool and just need that magic touch haha
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  • Dodge replied

    Grant Abbitt has a tutorial about it. A bit complex but I think it's what you are looking for. Find it here.

    • 👌
    2 loves
  • Anssi Kuha(anssikuh) replied

    Here's a 12 second tutorial 

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Yes you no longer have to set alpha blend for each material. Screen Space Reflection and indirect light baking are built into the Ray Tracing option. Bloom is now a post process, which is good for people using Cycles who wished they could have the bloom option.