Motion Tracking Workspace won't import all frames

Hey Sean, I tried opening the image sequence in the Motion Tracking Editor but it won't import all the frames, even when I tried forcing it by selecting all frames. I thought the naming had issues so I did the render again but it didn't change anything. The regular "image sequence input" in the compositor captured all 156 frames so I'm not sure what I'm missing.

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  • Nas Kharsa(naskharsa) replied

    024-11-08 123418.png024-11-08 123530.png

    1 love
  • Nas Kharsa(naskharsa) replied

    I searched some forums and it seems like many people were complaining about the same issue. I had to select frame 1 for it to load the full sequence.

    • Oh, excellent!
    1 love
  • Sean Kennedy(mackdadd) replied

    Huh, wow, I'm not sure what the issue could be there. Very odd.

    I noticed it says it only brought in 25 frames.

    I'm really not sure what to do to fix this. I just opened my Blender 4.2 and tried again, by selecting all frames, and then again by selecting just one frame, and both times it brought in the entire frame range. 

    Have you tried with other frame sequences? Does it happen over and over with other ones? 

    2 loves
  • Sean Kennedy(mackdadd) replied

    Just disregard my above answer, then, glad you solved it!

    2 loves
  • Nas Kharsa(naskharsa) replied

    I did try with the 2 other sequences and it was the same thing. It's odd. I wonder what makes Blender behave differently between having to choose the first frame vs. choosing any frame with different users. Might be a bug?

    2 loves
  • Sean Kennedy(mackdadd) replied

    Yeah, possibly. I['m on Windows, and it seems I can choose ANY single frame and it will load the whole sequence. So yeah, maybe it's some kind of bug.

    2 loves
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    It is either a corrupt/missing image in the sequence or the fact that you started your selection with image 0132. Unless you shifted the frames when you rendered out the image sequence. Blender shows the name as the lowest numbered image in the selected image sequence. It will show the count of the images(25 in your case) from lowest to to highest in a sequence(1,2, 3, 4, 5,etc) if it hits a corrupt image or the sequence skips a number blender will stop the count there. In most cases blender will still keep playing the images past that point, but the missing/corrupt image will show as completely transparent frame. 

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