Strange Weight Painting Behaviour

Recently happened to rotate the chest of the wrangler by accident and noticed that some shoulder verts werent moving with the rotation, turns out I had some extra bone weights on it from the spine by accident (pesky projection mode).

But what was strange was that when I remove them and renormalized the vertex weights, I can no longer paint on them... at all.
And visually when I try it shows it that arm bone is has 1.0 weight over it, when even the slightest change is attempted for these verteces. As if completely ignoring the weight of the brush and the Auto-Normalize option.
I cannot explain this at all, has anyone come across this before?

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  • Pascal Schovanez(Pascal) replied

    Turns out, this was caused by the 'DEF - Shoulder L' bone by not haviong its deformation enabled.
    If im not mistaken I had to remake it but used the control bone as a starting point.

    Thanks for Wayne for doing the recap in the character playbook, I actually forgot that this was a factor, and the reason in the first place why we disable this on non-def bones. 

    • 👍🏼
    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Glad you got it solved Pascal.
    Well done.

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