I'm sorry, but I doubt that. I've read a lot here in the last few days that there are problems with bevels, but I think it's more a problem with the mesh (misaligned normals, double vertices or something similar) Or are ghostedges, edges that have no influence on the geometry and are not editable? A graphics bug, so to speak?
If not, can you show a screenshot? However, I am also working with version 4.1 and if this is indeed the case in 4.2, please correct me.
Heh. Maybe 4.3, it'll all become moot, but at least for now, I'll leave a marker on the trail for those behind me, so they don't freak out. Some of us Blender newbies are more used to glitchy software than others. 🤣
It's good that we all get on so well here and there are no stupid questions, didn't even albert einstein say that? 🤣
I took a screenshot of the ghost lines with and without the bevel turned on. I'm not sure how this is a feature exactly, but I'm interested in learning more.
At this point, I'm inclined to agree with Randall's assessment, but I look forward to understanding what the use is of visualizing the bevel data of the hidden areas in wireframe mode. Thanks in advance
^ Bevel disabled in view / Wireframe mode
^ Bevel enabled in view / Wireframe mode