blueprints not completely matching ??

In this model its easier to navigate through that issue but is it something that usually occurs while modelling more complex ones? like cars and bikes? and if so is there a workaround for that 

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Oh yes, it happens a lot, most of the time really. The turn tables and concept art, blueprints, you can count on them not matching more often than not. Workarounds are not really workarounds, it's more up to us the 3D artists to try our best and interpret the artwork and work around the issue. You develop the confidence the more you do it and the more you encounter problems like these, just go with the flow, adapt. Maybe you can request the concept artist to try and correct the issue, but that is mostly not going to happen, depending on the production. So it's just power through the hassles sadly. 

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  • Abhi A(abhi) replied

    thank you for the answer, that makes sense. I guess after all practice, practice and practice makes one perfect

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  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    Yeah, not just concept arts. Even CAD drawings for buildings with different elevations never line up 100% due to scaling issues in the print, file or whatever. It's something you get used to over time and learn to adapt as you progress in your journey. Eventually you'll know how to pick one perfect match, even just part of a drawing, in this case say the screen, and then adjust the rest to that without losing proportions. As you say - practice practice practice. Rinse and repeat.

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