Finn's Polybook


My 3rd go at the crate ( I like to do the courses multiple times) . I would love any feed back! I know should have parented the objects together before duplicating them, but oh well.024-10-25 115317.png

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  • Derek Chestnut(dbchest) replied

    The design of the loop holders looks a bit of a mess, and they don't appear to be resting on the arms of the transfer device; the concept is solid, but the execution is underwhelming for me, personally.

    That being said, the topology of each component looks very clean, and so your modeling and topology is the star of the show here, which is at the core of the lesson, so I'd say it's time to move on to learning more about materials and shaders, etc, and then maybe come back and have another go.

    1 love
  • Finn Hooman(Finn26) replied

    Thank you! To get the loop holder I duplicated and separated the lock in front of the crate, and squished and squashed it. They are all just floating in space but i wanted to play around with the perspective to make it look like they might be connected to something else. Just something super quick to change it up a little. Yes my knowledge on materials and shaders is still super basic, but I think those courses are still a bit down the road, I am still learning so much about mesh modeling!

    thank you!

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Looking cool. I like how you got creative and made a hanger for them.

    1 love
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    Good on you for changing it up! A tip if you want to further solidify what you're learning on subsequent watches of courses is to try making something even more different to what is being done by the instructor! Instead of making a sci-fi crate, it could even be a sci-fi cylindrical barrel - or a robot to hold onto said barrel... or a robot made out of barrels with a crate shaped head ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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