Somehow on one of the edges, the bevel doesn´t work.
No, I tried that before and there were no double vertices.
Here is the file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zfoa8vyfwxfl7j3cdpp3x/gameboy.blend?rlkey=qkm59kr0rv3ibtkt1mkv0smrp&st=22xxu5ze&dl=0
I tried to move the whole edge loop along the y-axis for a little bit, that kind of worked now.
Hi Martin,
sorry for that, I re-uploaded the file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zfoa8vyfwxfl7j3cdpp3x/gameboy.blend?rlkey=qkm59kr0rv3ibtkt1mkv0smrp&st=k1qt8m63&dl=0
Oh that´s interesting.
Cheers Thomas!
It was indeed as I suspected. It's rather subtle (hard to find, if you don't know what to look for 😉, but I created an extra Edge as a guide to see if there was an angle and behold:
Moving these Vertices back in Y a bit, to 'meet' the helper Edge (from Side Orthographic View), gives the wanted Bevel:
Hi Jesus bbacontaco ,
Kinda late...and also incorrect 😉
As can be seen in the first screenshot, Clamp Overlap wasn't enabled and thus not causing the issue.