Depends on what you mean by initial setup window. If you mean factory start up then then you can click File->Defaults->Load Factory settings. If you have auto-save preferences turned off then you will need to go to preferences(Edit menu or Press F4->Preference. In 4.x+ you can use ctrl+comma) then click save preferences button in bottom left corner. To fix the startup file(The file that is loaded when you start blender then you will need to click File->Defaults->Save Startup file. If you are talking about the splashscreen that shows up when you initially start Blender for the first time you have to go to your user folder and delete the userpref.blend file. The folder location for user is:
Linux: $HOME/.config/blender/4.2/
Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\
Mac: /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/Blender/4.2/
Side note: .config and AppaData are hidden folders so you will need to manually enter it or change file manager to show hidden folders. Sorry, I haven't worked with Mac so I don't know if any of the folders are hidden.
thanks, I was talking about the initial spashscreen that lets you configure inputs only for one time, deleting that file allowed it to show up again. Thanks
Thanks Martin, good to know where to find those. I figured they were somewhere but hadn't found them yet, so thanks