Baking Issue

This is what i'm getting after baking, normals are fine, also scale is fine but this hilt is so messed up. That's my first time actually i'm working on low poly so that's why i'm so much confused and don't have any other option except asked here,, Kindly guide me,

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  • Chunck Trafagander replied

    Hey there! No problem, we are happy to help. That's what these forums are for! :)

    Lots can go wrong when texture baking, and it can be tough to troubleshoot but we will figure it out!

    First, can I ask that you upload a screenshot of the UV layout of the mid-poly model (whichever model you are baking the textures onto). I'd like to take a look and make sure there isn't anything weird going on with the UVs.

    As well, here is a little checklist to go over again just to make sure we have covered all the bases:

    1. Try increasing the ray distance when baking in InstaMAT, the rays may be getting cut off too early which results in missing some bake info

    2. Make sure the model doesn't have multiple UV maps on it, as it does look like there is some weird UV displacement going on in the Normal map you showed

    3. Take a look and see if your face orientation is correct (I know you mentioned these were fine but a second/third check doesn't hurt!)

    4. Make sure the targeting mode is set to "By Mesh Name", and that each high and low-poly piece shares the same name with the appropriate suffix

    1 love
  • Shoaib Zahid(Shoaib720 ) replied

    Normals (Face Orientation)  

    Naming of the models 


    Here is the thing which you asked me to check again... Kindly let me know where i'm doing wrong. and yeah i tried increasing ray distance in instamat while baking but it did'nt work for me. I'll be grateful.

    1 love
  • Chunck Trafagander replied

    Interesting, from the images provided everything looks good to me at a glance. This may be a little harder to diagnose.

    I'm just going to spitball some more ideas of things we can test:

    - Are the origins of the high-poly and corresponding mid-poly pieces the same for the hilt and the gem?

    - When exporting the high and mid-poly models, are the modifiers being applied?

    You could also create a new InstaMAT project and try baking again, to see if perhaps it's an issue with that file in specific.

    Let's see if any of these work and we can continue to troubleshoot other ideas.

    1 love
  • Shoaib Zahid(Shoaib720 ) replied


    So it means Origins are not the problem of this issue. Right ?


    And modifiers are also Applied. 

    and yeah i tried it couple of times and each and every time i created new Instamat project.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Shoaib,

    I know this is far-fetched, but maybe carefully re-type the names of all your Objects. It is (unlikely, but) possible that one of the Objects has a Space after the Name:


    , so it would look like the high and low Names match, while they don't:

    1 love
  • Shoaib Zahid(Shoaib720 ) replied

    I tried everything, now here is the link to file, i would love it if you can check the file and figure out my mistake where I'm doing wrong.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi  Shoaib,

    I am no Baking expert and haven't tried everything, but the Hilt seems to Bake fine in Blender. I'm on Linux and can't test Instamat, but I'd guess it would be an issue with Export- and/or Instamat Settings...I'll leave this one for Chunck.

    2 loves
  • Shoaib Zahid(Shoaib720 ) replied

    No prob, I'm waiting for Chunk's reply. I hope he will guide me well.

    • 👍🏼
    1 love
  • Chunck Trafagander replied

    Hey there, very sorry for the late reply.

    I have downloaded your file and taken a look at exporting and baking in InstaMAT. I couldn't see any issues with Blender, and after baking it in InstaMAT I also had minimal issue (there were some baking artifacts that could be fixed with some tweaking to the ray distances), nothing like the initial problem. Images of the bakes below.

    This has me thinking that the issue may lay in the export process somewhere. I have attached some screenshots of the FBX export settings I've used to get these bakes here, could I have you compare this with yours and see if there are any discrepancies?

    Export settings

    1 love
  • Shoaib Zahid(Shoaib720 ) replied

    Thanks for you reply. So the thing is i exported the file exactly as you did. But still got the same issue, even i tried increasing and decreasing the ray distances. After that, i tried changing the Targeting mode from "by mesh name" to "by source meshes" and it worked perfectly. and here is the screenshot of it.

    So i wanna ask you that is it ok to work with it keeping targeting mode as source mesh. i mean it will not create problem following next lessons. right ?

    and one more thing, as you said blend file is ok, so could you please share the value of ray distances which you applied and got the perfect result. I'll try the same value, may be i also get the good result by doing this.

    Thanks again, you guys are amazing. I wish i could meet you guys. 

    1 love
  • Chunck Trafagander replied

    Oh woh, that's very bizarre! Usually using the "By Source Mesh" option can create problems as it results in pieces that are close together baking over each other. In this instance it seems to work tho, so I'm glad we've managed to move past the issue! 🥳

    As long as the baked textures you are getting when using this option are clean, there shouldn't be any conflict with later lessons! We will  be using these baked textures to do various texturing things, however all we really care about is whether these textures have "artifacts" or not. Looking at your images, I don't suspect you will run into any issues related to using that option!

    Unfortunately I did not save the InstaMAT file so I cannot give you exact numbers, but my process was simply increasing the value by around 0.5 increments and re-bake until the issues began to fade away. Not the most efficient method, but until InstaMAT has a way to visualize ray distance in the 3D viewport we will have to stick with this trial and error process.

    My pleasure, I'm sorry I couldn't have a more concrete reason as to why you were running into this issue, but I'm glad you were able to overcome it and am excited for you to continue on with the course, hopefully uninterrupted!


    Chunck :)

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