Low Poly Room Scene

What is the average Poly count in a Low Poly Room?
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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Hello John. I'd say there is not straight answer for that, it'll depend so much on other things. But if I had to put a number, maybe anything under 10k could be considered low poly? Everyone will have a different answer though.

    3 loves
  • Leo (wod) replied

    I asked skynet:

    In a low-poly room, the average polygon count typically ranges from 500 to 5,000 polygons, depending on the level of detail and the purpose of the model.

        Very simple low-poly rooms (basic shapes, minimal details): around 500–1,500 polygons.
        Moderate detail (furniture, more complex shapes, a few decorations): around 1,500–3,000 polygons.
        More detailed low-poly rooms (more intricate furniture, decorations, and features): up to 5,000 polygons.

    Staying on the lower end is ideal for game design or real-time applications, while the higher end might be more suitable for renders or less demanding projects.

    3 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah! There is no average we can give you. It depends on the number of objects, the type of objects, how many windows...
    So many things will determine the number of vertices your room will have.
    The best option is to take each object one by one, modeling as low poly as possible without degrading the shape and maintaining a good silhouette.
    How many vertices your room ends up with is entirely in your hands.

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