
Hi, it seems that I have rotated my grass blade in the wrong direction, I was just wondering if one wanted to keep that rotation, how would you flip the normals so that the blade keeps its animation, but that the droplet then snaps to the correct face?
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  • Leo (wod) replied

    You can swap the normals with ALT + N.

    You can also see it if you click on the arrow at the top right (see picture) and activate Face Orientation in the small menu at the bottom. Red on your faces is bad, blue is good, the right side so to speak - you must be in edit mode for this

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    With ALT + N you will get the Normal's menu and you can choose "Flip" for the Normals to get flipped. Keep in mind if there are Normals pointing the right way, with the Flip command it'll flip that Normals in the opposite direction as well. So you can also use the shortcut Shift + N to recalculate the Normals and Blender will just intelligently fix them for you.

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