Pixelised render After Effect

Hello, first of all sorry for my english, I'm french. :)

I have a problem about my animation after rendering the png sequence of the ocean with after effect. I don't really understand because my png sequence after blender render is perfect. I did same size that tutorial, 50% of 4096x1716 px so in my After composition, I put 2048 x 858 px. I rendered in .mp4 (H264).

Do you have an idea? I didn't have this problem for my dice render, it was perfect after the same process (bender > After Effect)

I let you see the pictures

https://ibb.co/D9mnv81  (pixellised)

https://ibb.co/frvfWHr (good)

Thank you  :)

1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Sounds like it is definitely an After Effects issue then. The render PNG sequence that came out of Blender looks good, so the problem must be in the export settings in After Effects. What happens if you render out from After Effects with the same resolution as the PNG's instead of resizing?

    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    No worries, I apologize for my English, and I'm English.

    Sounds like it is gonna be an AE issue if it is perfect in Blender, you could try rendering at 100% with 4096 x 1716 in Blender or 100% at 2048 x 858. Either way but I would render at 100% so you don't need to adjust the size in AE.

    Give it a go, see what happens and let us know.

    2 loves
  • Evan Mancini(evanmci) replied

    Thank you all!

    Omar, I put same resolution in AE than PNG's properties (I checked on windows properties) so even like that it didn't work. The 50% resizing was about Blender resolution before rendering, to have a shorter (ahaha 9 hours) render time. Maybe I should have rendered at 100% with 2048 x 858 directly rather than doing 50% of 4096 x 1716.

    Nevermind so I didn't try rendering again because last one took 9 hours. I prefered try with Blender's video sequencer and... the result is finally good!! I really don't understand why AE resolution was bad this time whereas for the dice render it worked perfectly.. Adobe's mysteries

    https://jmp.sh/s/ExEczAvJO3mDS2WipUxw (video)

    https://ibb.co/L1Wj18q (PNG)

    https://ibb.co/FHHV8Vf ( frame video)

    https://ibb.co/D9mnv81 (pixellised frame video) 


    Thanks a lot again !

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