Bumpers cant extrude in


Since the bumper selection/new object is on top of the existing crate mesh once you extrude inwards it goes thorough the crate mesh and we cant see the inward extrusion. The way I got this to work is to delete faces from the selection area on the crate object (where we made the bumper selection from) so we can see the extrusion and there is no overlap. Was this purposely missed on the video? Or is there another work around? 

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Hello. Can you point to a time stamp on the video where this takes place, so we can see and determine what is happening. 

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Sam nnodewax ,

    What you are doing is a perfectly valid solution to the problem, but if you follow along correctly, the Separate by Selection, makes the Selected Faces into a new Object and they are no longer part of the 'old' Object (Crate). There shouldn't be overlapping Geometry there.

    My guess is, that you had overlapping Faces, before you Separated the Selection (maybe Insetting twice, without realizing it?).

    If you want (recommended!), you can go back and try it again (maybe even do a M > Merge > By Distance, before P > Separate > By Selection).

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Or you duplicated the faces prior to separating.

  • Noritaka replied

    I just took the same course.

    At 24:57 in the video, I have separated the selected FACE to make a bumper.

    The FACE is not duplicated.

    When I made the Latch, I first duplicated it and then separated it, so I think you are confusing that operation.

    If the FACE was duplicated and then separated, as others have answered, it would be a good idea to delete the original FACE that was separated.

    I hope this helps you.


    I apologize if the sentence does not make sense because I am using translation software.

    • 👍🏼
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Ok in the video JL separates the mesh without duplicating, so there is no need for him to delete any extra geometry. In your case since you first duplicated it, you have to delete the underlying mesh, but if you just separate it you save an extra step. 

  • Sam Joos(nodewax) replied

    Ah I see, yes I did a duplicate and not a separate by selection. Thank you everyone for the clarification! 

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