CG Cookie Website Improvements - Suggestions and Bugs

CG Cookie Site Updates

Hey All,

I didn't see a better place to jot these things down so I figured I'd plant this here for now at least.

1. kudos to CG Cookie (great stuff!)
2. I noticed when going to bookmark a lesson video that the z depth of the pop up was underneath the fog overlay, making it impossible to click.
3. I'd love to see some coding courses on here like python or w/e blender uses for scripts and addons, etc.

I will likely come back and edit this or comment on it with more ideas/ fixes as they come up.

  • 🤘🏻
1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Thanks Andrew!

    Over on our Discord we have a channel to report any site issues, or you can report anything via, the impossible click is a good example for that option.
    I tried to see if I could replicate the issue, however I failed. Could you post a screen recording of the issue, in case I misunderstood.

    And as it happens, a Blender addon/Blender scripting course has been approved and is in early development stages. You heard it here first! Not sure if a release date has been decided, but it is happening.

    3 loves