Snap not functioning as shown.

The snapping is not functioning as shown in this example. There is no absolute grid snap feature, and when trying to snap to the center of the cube, it moves the cube way off to the side of the plane. I understand this is using an old version, but I’m unable to recreate the examples here. 

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Robert,

    The Absolute Grid Snapping is now just called Grid and is under Snap Target, between Increment and Vertex.

    I don't know what you're doing wrong with the other problem, but Snapping does often take a bit to get get used to (it is totally worth it though!)

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Can you upload a screen grab video of your screen? That way we can see what you might be doing wrong.

    3 loves
  • Robert Buchanan(robbuchanan) replied
    Hi everyone, thanks so much for your willingness to help. I have no idea what happened, but I went to File —> Defaults —> Load Factory Settings and now it functions like it does in the tutorial. I’m sure what happened was I inadvertently changed some setting somewhere. A more detailed explanation was that the cube would snap in increments above the grid, but when it got within 4 units of the grid, it would jump the middle of the cube to world origin. I was also unable to move it any further below the grid. Regardless it’s working properly and I’m a happy Blender-er again. Thank you so much!
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