How to "Copy to all"

Hello, I've noticed for a long time I could never use the shortcut ALT+[change parameter] so the effect is applied to all selected items.

I recently discovered it may be because I have "emulate 3 button mouse" enabled. 

I sculpt sometimes. How can I keep this option enabled and be able to use the special shortcut?


1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Steve,

    If you are not on Windows, you can set the Modifier Key to be the OS Key in your Preferences, instead of the ALT Key to get the Emulate 3 Button Mouse behavior, leaving the ALT Key free:


    But you're probably on Windows and I don't think there is anything you can do about it then (looks like it's hard-coded), unfortunately.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    But if you have a 2-button pen for Sculpting, you can use tap for LMB and the two buttons for MMB and RMB...

    1 love
  • Steve Be(kyuuub) replied

    Thanks! Sigh sucks but I'll make do lol...

    1 love
  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Hi Steve! I do a lot of sculpting as well. Because of mobility issues with my hands I can't use buttons on my stylus. I've found the best solution to this issue is to not have emulate 3-button mouse enabled when I'm doing anything other than sculpting. But it's annoying to have to open up preferences each time, right?

    So I made a teeny addon that adds a checkbox on the toolbar of the 3D View to making toggling easier. There's also a ctrl-shift-E shortcut. If you're interested, you can find the addon here:

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    I haven't tested it on newer versions of Blender, but back in ancient times you could just click in the field type the number then ALT+enter to apply this to all selected when you are using emulate middle mouse button. If you wanted to drag you click and hold mouse button down then press ALT before you start to drag. For dropdown selections you click the dropdown to get the list then hold down on selection then press ALT. For example if you have multiple objects with a mirror modifier and you want to set all of them to the same target object. Click in the object field, press and hold on your selection, then hold alt until after you let go of the mouse button. This will apply it to all the selected objects. I'll have to test this with 4.2. 

    ***Edit*** just tested on 4.2. All seem to work like it use to, except directly entering a number if the object are different it keeps the offset between them. For example if you have 3 objects and they are 2 meters apart on the axis and enter a 1 on the axis. it moves the active object to the 1, but instead of moving the other objects to 1 it moves them keeping the 2 meter offset. 

    **Update** click and hold mouse button down on the field. then hold ALT before you let go. This will allow you to enter the number and not have that offset thing happen.