Question regarding Bone Widgets

Hi Wayne, 

I'm continuing on with the Crane Rigging tutorial, but I can't seem to get the first CTRL widget to symmetrize. I'll upload a file. Can you take a look? 



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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Hello Scott. There is no link to a file.

    Also can you add a brief description on what you're doing to see if Wayne can spot why it isn't working with maybe a couple of screenshots. Because he might download the file and get things to work and we'll never know what it was that you were doing wrong. And then no learning happens and then we've all failed and then the cookie crumbles.

    1 love
  • scottfassett replied

    Hi Omar,

    Thanks for responding! I uploaded a Blender file on the same page as the lesson video. I'm not sure how to provide a link to that in this message. Forgive me, I'm still learning the ropes on how to navigate your website. 

    I tried some screenshots along with a message to Wayne a couple days ago, but got locked out. Amber said that there were some issues attaching images the way I did it, but I could submit images through the community forum - which is what this is, correct? 

    Are you able to read messages that I send to Wayne on the lesson page? I fully explained the situation there.


    1 love
  • scottfassett replied

    Hi Omar,

    Maybe I didn't explain things that well after all! I'm at the part of the lesson where Wayne is creating widgets for the bones. If you look at the attached image, it is the blue rectangular widget that I've successfully created on the screen right side, but can't symmetrize it to the left after pressing the Symmetrize Shape button in the Bone Widget Add-On Menu. 


    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Scott, 
    I'm making my way through my inbox and all the exercise submissions.  There's has been a huge increase to the normal amount of activity but I'm doing my best to get to everything as soon as possible.

    One thing I can see from your image though it the bone that you are adding the widget to is called "CTRL".
    This one should be in the centre of the rig and therefore won't be symmetrized.   (only bones with .L or .R will need that).

    So what I think you are doing is added a clamp style widget  onto what I called the CTRL bone.  So even though it looks like it is the widget for Clamp_01.L  it isn't.
    I'm pretty sure I included that CTRL widget for you in the file, so the easiest way to get that one displaying correctly is to add that widget's object name into the custom shape.

    Does that make sense?

    1 love
  • scottfassett replied

    Hi Wayne! 

    Thanks so much for your response. I see what happened now. In my opinion, Blender has a display problem when two bones are exactly on top of each other. When one of the two bones is selected, it's not really visible as a highlighted yellow line. There is a VERY subtle highlight over the whole bone, but it is barely visible. 

    So I misread what you were selecting. I thought the CTRL bone was still selected in blue-green when you added the widget shape, when in fact you had selected the Clamp_01.L bone. I had to watch the video a few times, and noticed the name of the selected object in the Text Info area, rather than rely on the highlighted object. I think I'm good to go. 

    I sent you another way more complicated question regarding a personal project, but it sounds like you are very busy answering other student's questions. I'm glad you hear you have lots of students taking your class! 

    This rigging thing has my head spinning, but whenever you get the chance to reply to that other message is fine. 



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