Mirror function in Pose Mode

99:50, Wayne says that we don't want to use the mirror function in pose mode, but we can in edit mode. Is this an appropriate concept when it comes specifically to rigging? Whereas when animating, it's fine to use the mirror function if it's contextually necessary to animate two things in a mirrored fashion eg: wings flapping at the same time (realistically wings probably don't flap exactly the same, but you get my drift)

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    I would say yes, it is specifically to rigging. Wayne says we don't want symmetry in pose mode because we are updating the animation, and that's not rigging anymore, that's animating at that point. In Edit mode is fine because we are setting the rest positions and rigging stuffs, so we're rigging and in rigging is fine to rig. I hope I got that right.

    2 loves
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Harris, 
    Yes, that comment is in reference to rigging.  Pose mode is for constraints and animation....but the mirror pose is specifically an animation thing.
    My apologies if that wasn't clear.

    You do, however, want to use the mirror in Edit mode.....but only when it's going to help you.
    It is very helpful when editing existing bones (that are symmetrical). But it can be annoying if you have to create new bones and then rename them.  This will only rename 1 side breaking the symmetry. 

    So in that case you are better off to disable it, create your bones and constraints etc, then use the Symmetrize operator to copy all that work over to the over side. 
    That way you won't have orphaned R.001 bones on one side of the rig.

    I hope that makes sense - I probably just over explained it now.

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