When is the course "complete?"

When does that green bar over the course's thumbnail get full? I've completed, submitted, and passed everything. It's not a huge deal, and over the courses that I have finished so far I haven't really cared about it. Yet with the CORE series, I really want to fill in all those green bars and collect all those points. 


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  • Leo (wod) replied

    do you perhaps still have the quizzes open?
    i think if you have even watched all the videos, it will jump to the first open quiz or the one that is still open when you continue the course. but the experts know better :)

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah Leo is correct, also I believe if your exercise submission is yet to be graded.
    Once graded and passed it should mark as complete.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    I remember that happening to me as well. The exercise hadn't been graded and I was eager to see my bar for the course full and have my badge and all. It's like when playing a game and you want all the achievements or trophies, it's a great feeling getting them all, same for a CG Cookie course.

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  • Eric Szabo(Eric) replied

    2 at 10.55.31 PM.png2 at 10.55.41 PM.png2 at 10.55.49 PM.png2 at 10.55.56 PM.png   

    All green check mark's here. Every quiz that has come across my screen has been completed. 'Continuing course' bounced me to back to this page. The assignment was submitted on the 1st, and graded as a 'pass' on Monday. Completed a course review, and submitted feedback.

    Perhaps there is a blood sacrifice required of me?

    Adrian, you indicate there is a specific quiz that you can see I have not completed. Where it can be found would be instructive.

    1 love
  • Leo (wod) replied

    That is strange. Continue the course brings you back to the video Chapter 1 “Important Topology Tools pt. 2” ?
    I just see that this is highlighted. You can also manually mark videos as completed above the video.
    I would just assume that it is because of this video and I would mark it once as not completed and then mark it again as completed. Maybe it will help

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    So it may be a glitch in The Matrix. Adrian has connection in high places, he can probably move the issue up the chain and hopefully it gets fixed in no time.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey EEric,
    It is showing as this lesson is not complete...
    What to take next and share your voice, Not sure why as it is not a lesson.
    See if you can get it to complete by scrolling down the page and/or clicking on a link or two.
    Maybe even linger on the page for a few moments.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    If nothing works, I'll send it upstairs.

    1 love
  • Eric Szabo(Eric) replied

    I think this was unintentionally misleading. Let me clarify: The images above was to show that all the lessons are green check marked complete. That "Chapter 1 “Important Topology Tools pt. 2" is highlighted was incidental contact when I snapped the pic. When I wrote " 'Continuing course' bounced me to back to this page," I meant this page: 'Conclusion and what to take next..." Taken together, it's easy to see how this was misleading, a red herring, if you will. Sorry for that confusion. 

    Adrain, obviously I've been on this page since we are here chatting. My 5/5 review is posted, feedback was sent. Let's try lingering  'mark as complete.'  

    I appreciate the follow ups

    1 love
  • Eric Szabo(Eric) replied

    I've ignored the 'mark as complete' button. Clicking it felt dirty.

    You know, reverting back to not caring about points seems appealing atm.

    1 love
  • Eric Szabo(Eric) replied

    That did it. 100% Woot!

    • 😀
    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    So what did it, lingering?

    1 love
  • Eric Szabo(Eric) replied
    Manually marking "Conclusion: What to take next" as complete. 
    • 👍🍪
    1 love
  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    I agree it is weird to have to do that. I'll ask if we can mark lessons as optional so that they don't count towards progress. 

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