Sharper shadows

Howdy, I've gone back and looked at the lighting tutorial but it appears all my shadows have softened and they don't
wanna appear crisp and silhouetted like they do in the tutorial but I've only now realized this is a problem while baking shadows in:

Any advice?

1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Soft or crisp shadows are achieved with the radius setting on a light:


    The bigger the light source, the softer the shadow, the smaller the light source the sharper the shadow. And also you have to let the render engine clear the image before it stops looking all fuzzy. 

    If your shadows are coming from an HDRI, you have to find on where the sun or the light source casts sharper shadows. You can usually tell in the thumbnail of the HDRI how the shadows will be. 

    1 love
  • bugeyedcat replied
    Gotcha, I will write that down. If I recall correctly though, Kent used a Sun light in the Adding Sunlight and Atmospheric Fog lesson, and with the Sun there's no option to change the radius. That's where I'm confused, so I'm wondering if there's a workaround for that? I'm also using blender 4.1 so maybe an update changed it around.
  • Omar Domenech replied

    For the sun you can change the angle. The lower the value the sharper the shadow, the larger the value the more blurry the shadow.


  • bugeyedcat replied

    Thank you Omar! It looks better now. I also found it was partially due to the Count under shadows. I appreciate the help!

    • 🤘🏻