Not sure where to start learning Blender? Begin here.

CG Cookie
Wes Burke

The most common question we've received over the years is, 'Where should I start, and what should I take next?' I was motivated to ensure this stays accessible in the top navigation and pinned at the top of the community page. 

1. The Blender Basics - Streaming for Free

2. CORE Fundamentals - It's like a college degree but different

If you're brand new to Blender, looking for a refresh, or transitioning from another software, you should enroll in these two pieces of Blender training in that order. ;) 

Happy Blending! 


12 loves
  • Alvaro Tellez(Alvareanu) replied

    Hi Wes,

    Thank you for posting this, it's exactly what I was looking for as I'm about to finish The Blender Basics course and I just got the membership.

    I saw a lot of referencing and recommendations to the Mesh Modeling Bootcamp course and I just wanted to ask if there's a lot of overlap between that and the CORE Fundamental ones or if I can skip that one in favor of CORE?

  • Wes Burke replied

    I would vote to dive into the CORE learning flow, with then the Mesh Modeling BootCamp as a side-quest. :) 

    My pleasure and congrats on getting through the Blender Basics course! 

    1 love
  • Ashish Pali(blinkash) replied
    Thank you for your post. As a beginner, it's difficult to understand where to begin. 
    • Happy Blending!
  • Really helpful for posting this, as I am just getting started!

    • Your welcome!
  • Hey there, im a filmmaker and I do a lot of commercials for brands and products plus I am working for an independent news channel covering geo-political themes.

    I was interested in learning Blender mostly for making realistic environment or objects later to be integrated with real footage that I film with my cameras and also for my journalistic work - visualising concepts in 3D(if you know Fern on Youtube then that is exactly what I was aiming for).

    I have just finished the amazing Blender Basics course by CGCOOKIE on YouTube and I am subscribed as a premium member at your website.

    I am wondering what is the right path for me ? should I dive into the CORE Fundamentals course and then move on ? or would you recommend a different path for me ? I would say that camera movement and at the end - rendering a video to be used as part of my production process - is what I am looking for.

    I am keen to learn and I have the patient - I just want to make sure that I am not wasting time by not learning what I need to learn.

    thanks a lot !