CORE Translucency practice

posted to: Translucency

Hi! so these are my attempts at the translucency exercise of creating a wax material and I was hoping for a little feedback as materials are a fairly new topic for me:
The first image (with layer weight) was my first instinctive attempt, whilst the second image is a follow up attempt. I guess I'm trying to figure out, amongst the MANY different ways looks can be achieved, is if there is ever a "right way" or a method of good practice? Any feedback (on methods, and these specific results) is much appreciated 😁

9-09 at 16.36.01.png9-09 at 16.42.51.png

  • Omar Domenech replied
    In Discord it was the first picture, here is the second one. It has less orange and it feels more waxy. Looks good.
  • John-Michael Allison(jmallisononline) replied

    Thanks Omar! this was asked to several friends also, and it was a 50/50 split, but I'm inclined to agree with you! I feel like the more "orange"-y one MAYBE could work, but only if the light source were closer (like the candle flame itself) perhaps 🤔