Cloud storage recommendations for uploading blender files to email

I'm currently uploading my file to send via email. Don't ask me how bc i'm amazed myself but it jumped up to 6gb after packing it - I'm seeing if I can't drop it down. I've purged orphan data etc but I'll keep investigating.

Dropbox has a cap of 2gb, and I've found that mega can hold up to 20gb on a free account. Does anyone have any suggestions for other cloud storage sites?

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  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    I've recently bit the bullet and subscribed to Google Drive. No idea if it's the best but it is, at least, easy to use. My main reason for the decision was that it was very easy to setup the desktop app and mark specific folders to be shared between my two computers, skipping having to actually upload files to Drive to move them back and forth.

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  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    Google has been trying to tell me that my drive is 95% full for a few years now, and keeps asking if I want to upgrade haha! But I've looked at the pricing and it's really not too bad for an annual subscription.

    Hmmm, I'll keep looking about, but it sounds like you might be onto something with paying for google drive!


    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    We've used Google Drive for all the Collabs and it has worked ok so far. There's quirks here and there, but that's basically because we are pushing it way pass its functionality. I guess if we used it like a normal human being it works great.