Chair Number Instances

nothing happens after using the Realize Instances node. It stays 1 on all of the gondolas.

Is there a change in the behavior of some nodes in version 4.2?

1 love
  • Abdullah Alshammari(Esseperse) replied

    2024-09-06 (1).png

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Abdullah Esseperse ,

    Try enabling the Realize All in the Realize Instances Node.

    2 loves
  • Abdullah Alshammari(Esseperse) replied

    Hi, Martin

    I tried that before posting but still the same.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Esseperse ,

    Could it be something in the Shader Editor?

    If you want, you can upload you file (File > External Data > Pack Resources. Save the File.) to Googledrive, Dropbox, or so and post a link here, so we can have a look; complicated scenes like this are often really hard to troubleshoot from screenshots alone.

    1 love
  • Abdullah Alshammari(Esseperse) replied

    Here spikeyxxx , please let me know if the link doesn't work:

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Abdullah Esseperse ,

    I'm having trouble overriding the Material, so I can't test it, but it seems to me that this could be the culprit:


    • Nice find!
    2 loves
  • Abdullah Alshammari(Esseperse) replied

    Thank you so much, Martin

    It's all fixed now with a few clicks. I don't know how I didn't pay attention to this.

    • 🥳
    1 love