F2 Key not working to rename bones

Hey Guys -

Question 1: I'm not getting the F2 Key to work for renaming bones. I have to go to the Outliner to do this.
Question 2: When I Shift D to Duplicate a bone, it looks like the duplicate is getting parented to the original in the Outliner - is this what should happen? Since I can't see what Wayne is doing in the Outliner (it is collapsed) I can't see if this is happening during his demo. 



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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Sometimes depending on your operating system on your computer, the F2 key or the F's keys in general are replaced with some other functionality. So you may need to overwrite the function on a setting somewhere on Windows, Mac or Linux.

    Regarding question 2, I think that's how it goes yes. Wayne will confirm.

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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Looks like you have a lot of addons enabled!
    These will change the default hotkeys, it best to disable 3rd party addons until you need to use them.
    Not only hotkeys, they can cause many other unexpected behaviours.

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied
    I'm going to assume you're on a Mac. Probably a M1. Press Fn key with the F2 to get function key behavior. You can also go to apple key->system settings->keyboard->keyboard shortcuts and change it to function keys. Then you won't need to press Fn key. If you're not on the M1, but still a Mac then you may not have the Fn key and just have to go to the settings and switch it to function keys. If you're using Linux then I would need to know the distro and desktop environment. For example the Buffy the Vampire Slayer distro uses to start/stop animated desktop and can be turned off by right clicking desktop->display->hotkey tab-> then choose disable animated desktop or change the hotkey to something else. 
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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    As to your Question 2: I don't think that is supposed to happen....

    I'm with Adrian and suspect that might be caused by one of your 3rd party Addons...

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  • scottfassett replied

    Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the feedback on this. I'm on a PC running Windows 10. I have just disabled all my Add-ons and restarted Blender. Same problem with F2. I can get Ctrl F2 to bring up the Batch Rename window, but plain old F2 does nothing. Just to be clear: I have the Armature selected in Object Mode, then go to Edit Mode, select the specific bone I want to rename, press F2 and a Rename Window should appear, right? 

    Here is snapshot of the Key-Binding for F2:

    For the issue of duplicating bones and creating a parent relationship, I unparented everything and now when I duplicate bones they don't parent anything. Not sure what was happening earlier there. 


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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Scott, here's what you're missing:


    Try clicking the Restore Button (on the right).

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    spikeyxxx beat me to it. Yeah click the restore button. Just in case that doesn't do for some reason you can click menu icon(3 bars bottom left corner) and click restore factory preferences and that will reset all preferences to default including the keymap. 

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  • scottfassett replied

    Yay! The restore button worked! So how did that happen in the first place? Did an add-on adopt that key without my knowledge? Thanks so much for that tip, Spikeyxxx and Dwayne. 


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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hey Scott,

    I have no idea how that happened, but the most likely scenario is, that a human (you? your little brother?...) removed the entry, by (accidentally?) clicking the 'x'.

    Addons often overwrite Hotkeys, but I haven't heard of one, deleting a Hotkey (but I am not an Addon specialist by any definition).

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  • scottfassett replied

    Ok, well I will be aware of that all-powerful "X" in the future. I'll blame one of my three cats. They have been known to accidentally on purpose step on the power/shutdown button my PC, until I installed a failsafe cover over it. Cheers, and happy Blending! 


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