Excercise: Light your Story Submission

Hello. I made a submission to CORE | Fundamentals of Lighting in Blender, and it hasn't been marked yet. I submitted it on Sept. 1st

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    Hello Samuel. Yeah probably Jesse could be busy, I may end up grading the exercises that have a few on backlog. Sorry for the wait.

    2 loves
  • Samuel Taylor(Tailored Visual Arts) replied

    dostovel oh no worries. Thank you!

    • 🤘🏻
  • Kaizen replied
    My bad Samuel! I was actually away on holiday, but glad to see Omar took care of your submission!
    1 love
  • Samuel Taylor(Tailored Visual Arts) replied

    No worries. I failed the first submission. But I submitted two more in the meantime. One has a cooler tone, the other is a tad bit warmer. By tad, I mean a lot. lol.

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