why use instamat? does blender have good enough tools?

why not use native blender tools, what are the limitations?
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  • Chunck Trafagander replied

    Blender offers texturing tools, however they are fairly rudimentary and quite cumbersome to set up and use. Even texture baking in Blender is somewhat confusing and deviates from what is considered the "norm" for the industry.

    There are some addons that provide a much better experience, however I opted opted for InstaMAT due to its licensing (free for likely everyone watching the course), as well as its ability to produce results in a more consistent way, relative to the texturing conventions used in most video game studios.

    You are certainly able to produce similar results if you were to texture in Blender, however the workflow is rather limited by default. I would encourage you to look around at "Blender texturing addons" to see what is available if you are interested in sticking to Blender for that portion of the course, a lot of the concepts are similar, however you will definitely have an easier time getting to the finish line using a dedicated texturing application like InstaMAT! :)

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