Huzis Polybook


Hey guys :)

Just started with the CORE Series, (fundamentals of mesh modeling) and did the Sci-Fi - Crate :


Curious what cmoes next and how my skills will increase :)

  • 🔥
  • 👍💯
2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Wow super cool. This is the kind of crate you see in a place you can't reach and you know you need some item to get there and you're like man I want to open that crate so badly.

    1 love
  • Blaine Jensen(Theebline) replied

    Wow! this looks awesome! Some sort of sci-fi holy grail in there for sure! Maybe the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch? Great Job!

    1 love
  • Andreas Huber(RiverRaid) replied

    CORE Hard Surface Modeling => Hard Disk


    • 👍💯
    • Cool 🤘🏼
    • 😍Awesome!
    2 loves
  • Eric Szabo(Eric) replied

    Cool stuff here! 

    1 love
  • Stijn Dekker(sdkkr) replied

    That glowing cross on the space crate is a really cool idea. Makes it looks like an object out of a video game.

    1 love
  • Andreas Huber(RiverRaid) replied

    The Cup from subdivision modeling

    • 🤩Awesome!
    • Great😍
    • Thumbs up! 👍
  • Andreas Huber(RiverRaid) replied

    The Cookiecookie.png

    • 🤩Awesome!
    • Very tangible👍
    • Great colors!