CORE Fundamentals Mesh Modelling Course Question?


Hello, would anyone say that I should tackle CORE: Fundamentals of Mesh Modelling after having completed the older version of this course? I’m noticing that the newer version have more exercises, and I’m tempted to go take the course. Or in a way “retaking” it.

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    For sure you should retake it. Not because you'll see a bunch of new stuff, but because the second time around the knowledge solidifies much more on your mind. First time around there's too much stuff to deal with, now you'll go at it much more relaxed and things click and stick easier easier. I always always watch tutorials twice. Maybe you know the feeling I'm talking about when you watch a movie you haven't seen in a while, suddenly you focus more on details that before passed you by and now the movie is seen on a totally different light and you enjoy it more. 

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