Silvia's Polybook



I'm following the CORE series and I'm happy to share my progress so far:) 

I'm really enjoying the series! snowman1.png


  • 🤘🏻
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3 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    That's a great progress, Silvia👍🏼

    Keep going!

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Looking great. Seeing your renders makes me think how important shadows are, love how the snowman feels with volume with the nice gradient shadows. Same for the sci-fi box.

    1 love
  • Eric Szabo(Eric) replied

    Nice lighting. Clean models!

    1 love
  • Mechanought replied

    I really like the proportions on your crate. Feels very...cratey. 

    Only thing I'm noticing is that there looks to be some errant vertices poking out on the corners, unless that's intended? 

    1 love
  • Silvia (Silvia) replied

    Thanks guys!:D 

    and also thanks for pointing that out Jesse i fixed it now:)) love how you are able to notice little things like that, hopefully with practise i can also see those types of mistakes

  • Silvia (Silvia) replied

    continuing the CORE Fundamentals: Mesh Modeling :)football1.pnghardrive2.png

    • 👍💯
    • 👍🏼Great!
    • Cool 🤘🏼
  • Silvia (Silvia) replied

    Happy to share my cup I did following the video and my own cup inspired by a vintage cup I saw on Pinterest:)cup1.pngfancyteacup3.png

    • 👍🍪
    • Excellent!
    • Lovely cups!