Let the questions begin...

So... you have to have the "Stroke" object selected to go to Draw Mode. Don't seem to able to do that from selecting a different object. Don't know if that's a question more than an observation.

Scratching my head trying to figure out how you made that "squiggle" disappear (before going to a smiley face). Thankfully you can your key strokes showing. [CTRL] Z.

So, anything "new" you put on a different keyframe within a layer automatically starts from scratch? No erasing needed prior ever?

Another lesson learned... Make sure you have the proper "collection" highlighted when adding objects; otherwise, when you disable that collection (as you did before spelling out your message), the smiley-faced sun does NOT disappear. lol

*and we're learning*

I definitely need to get a USB extension so my "pad" can hook up to my computer. Writing with a mouse makes it look like I'm a five-year old, writing left handed, in the dark. Dear god, that's horrible.

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  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    So, anything "new" you put on a different keyframe within a layer automatically starts from scratch? No erasing needed prior ever?

    Correct! A new frame in a Grease Pencil drawing is like a new sheet of paper in traditional animation. You can still duplicate frames though if you want to carry over the previous one and not start from scratch. There's also an option, Multiframe Editing, that you can turn on, but I wouldn't worry about that yet. 

    Sounds like you're making great progress and really practicing what's in these lessons! I love that!