Modifiers and small gem at base

Hey Chunck! Are we applying the modifiers we used at this stage (weighted normal, smooth by angle, etc) or not? I also wanted to ask regarding the small gem at the bottom of the base: since we only created the high poly version I'm not sure if it needed a low poly version with the other steps we've done so far?

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  • Nas Kharsa(naskharsa) replied

    I see we're not applying modifiers so we can back up the pieces before doing so (I got my answer from the next video haha). Still wondering about the base gem but I created a low poly for it just in case.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    For the base gem, it's the same process as the large gem. Part of the homework assignment I believe.

  • Chunck Trafagander replied

    Hey Nas! Good question.

    In regards to the modifiers that alter the shading, I usually leave those on our mesh and have the exporter apply them when exporting the models. That saves me from having to add another modifier to tweak the shading if I change the model for any reason. Blender makes it really nice to be able to apply those prior to export by default, so you do not even have to set anything up. Just need to export!

    For the smaller gem at the bottom, a spoiler but what we end up doing later in the course is completely switching out the mesh data for the lowpoly gem we've created already. We are essentially getting two gems for the price (or effort) of one. It may be a little tough to understand right now, but we will touch on that in a later video once we are done the texturing stage!