Control z doesn’t work!

I was so laser focused on following everything step by step that i didn’t notice how i changed my shirt and got a new haircut 

amazing course btw:) 

  • 🤣🤣
1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    "Control z doesn’t work!" it's a joke, right? You want your hair back? 😆

    1 love
  • Ali Serhan(Aliserhan) replied

     yessir 🥲

    1 love
  • Sascha Feider(SFE-Viz) replied

    Story of every man as he ages :D

    1 love
  • Kent Trammell replied

    AAliserhan I used to wear the same clothes multiple days to avoid inconsistency like this. But eventually I decided it would be more fun to magically change clothes/haircut in the middle of lessons; more fun and cleanly 😅

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