Smooth Vertex Colors problem.

I am having issues using the Smooth Vertex Colors as shown at 4:45 in the video. When I apply this action, the transition between colors does not look the same as what is being shown. I am getting very harsh and obvious lines in between the smoothing. This problem affects the materials being applied to the end of the pencil, leaving very distinct lines. I am using Blender version 3.6. I attempted to try this in version 3.5 and 4.0 as well and I continue to get the same issue. For some reason when I try this in version 3.0 it works correctly, the same way it was demonstrated in the video. I was planning to finish the course using 3.0. However, I was hoping someone might know if I can correct the problem in later versions? Just in case I ever come across the problem in the future.

1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Looks good to me too in 4.2.1
    download (2).png

  • racerrex replied

    Thats really interesting that Omar and I are getting the error with 4.2 but Martin and Adrian are not. Glad to hear I'm not losing my mind lol. Perhaps it has something to do with a difference in hardware. Some difference in the way our machines are interpreting the code. I agree, I guess I'll stick with 3.0 or see if I can find a later release that might work. Thank you Martin, Omar and Adrian. I really appreciate you guys all coming together to help me find a solution. It's very comforting to know there is such a great community on here willing to support each other. Again, thank you very much.

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