Difference in Material Properties Area

Not even one minute in and I noticed that my "Surface" drop down doesn't have a feature "Use Nodes". Something I missed in the set up? I'm using 4.2 if that has any bearing.

EDIT: Yeah, my Shader Editor doesn't show it either; although, it's obviously using nodes

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  • Omar Domenech replied
    This course was not recorded with 4.2, it's with 4.0 and things have changed a bit. It's better if you follow along with Blender 4.0 in this case, so the discrepancies aren't too much.
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Yeah, the Use Nodes can mostly just be ignored, it is in most places more or less a remainder of old Blender (pre-2.8), but if you disable Use Nodes, Blender doesn't use the Nodes.

    In 4.2 we have:




    1 love
  • Scott McClellan(pffsfs) replied

    OOmar Domenech... I thank you for the confirmation

    MMartin Bergwerf... appreciate the comparison

    I'll try to keep my quirky observations to a minimum, but thank you both

    • 🤘🏻
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