Display P3 for Macs

Hey there!

Quick question. You mentioned if using an apple device we should probably set the Display Device setting to Display P3. 

Is that for just when I'm working on a Mac, or for when the final output image is intended to be seen on a Mac?

I ask because while I love my screen colors on my Macs, usually I turn that extra vivd color off when doing color grading work, or retouching my photos on Lighroom. That makes my colors stay true to when I share them online, regardless of the device where the image is seen.

So, should I stick to this process and keep my Blender setting at sRGB, or should I turn it to P3? 🤔

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    I'd say if you are targeting Mac or DCI-P3 movie projectors then Yes render with P3. P3 expands the color space. It's more noticeable in the green colors. As for targeting general audience, it's more of a preference. Based on your post I'd say turn it off since you turn off the extra vivid colors.  

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    It used to kill me when I saw how different a render looked from one computer to the other. At work in the office I'd see a render on one screen and it looked so different in the other. But in the end there was no other way than to accept I can't control the look on everyone's computers. I wish one day it'll be possible, like how right now the time in everyone's cellphones is the same. It's been a long time since people had different time on their time keeping device, maybe someday it'll happen with screens as well.

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  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied
    Omar, I agree and you kind of can control it as long as you use the few thousand standardizes color like the 256 web colors. 
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  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    Got it! Will keep doing the sRGB then. I absolutely love my apple screens (and unfortunately paid a pretty penny for them), so it kills me inside a little bit every time I turn it off to correct my photos. But hey, here we are 😅

    Thanks guys!

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