CGCookie App?


Weird question? Will there ever be a CGCookie app? I love that CGCookie tracks my progress and kind of reminds me of Duolingo or Khan Academy. It’s not that I need it or anything. Just something that popped up in my head. Lol.

2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Lets ask some of the supreme cookies. I'll link'em up. 

    2 loves
  • amberkelly replied

    We have considered it.  I am interested what others think and want on this front.  Tell me more!

    2 loves
  • Samuel Taylor(Tailored Visual Arts) replied

    amberkelly I am not an app developer by any means nor do I know how much resources go into something like an app. I’m fine with everything online. Speaking of apps, LinkedIn Learning has a thing in which you have the option to download lessons from a course so you can learn offline. I just saw some similarities with the layout of CGCookie compared to other sites like Khan Academy, LinkedIn Learning and Doulingo - Specifically with the quizzes and showing you how much progress you made through a course. Speaking of Duolingo, having reminders, and notifications to keep you on track and being able see your progress over the last few months or so would be cool. 

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    An app on your phone would be cool, the ability to view your progress, to be able to set learning goals and also set a reminder to log on and learn.

    Progress view would be similar to the site.
    Setting learning goals would let you select a course and set a date you plan to complete it by. Multiple courses and dates could be set to track progress of a playlist or a series of courses for a specific skillset, sculpting for example.
    Setting reminders would let you set a regular time and date when you mostly have free time, Sunday afternoon at 1pm for example, with a variable reminder before the due time, 15 minutes, ...., 1 hour, 2 hours, ...., or even a day before.

    The ability to view exercise submission comments would be nice too, and Badges, XP and leaderboard.

    3 loves
  • Blaine Jensen(Theebline) replied

    At this point I think we're basically saying add the whole site hahaha. Community forums would be awesome as well as the Podcast. Possibly private/direct messaging. I'm sure there's people that would like to chat with other members. I know we have the discord server, but some people don't really discord (I have it, but only really look at it when I get a notification, so that's probably on me haha). Generally if I'm on the site for courses, I'm on my computer, but I go on the community and scroll through the gallery at night once I've called it a day with blender, so having a app that allowed me to go through all of that would be awesome opposed to the mobile site.  

    • 👍👍
    1 love
  • Harris Clook(Yeehawcowboyletsgo) replied

    amberkelly I saw this post when Sam made it, I wrote a response but forgot to post it!

    But, I would also love an app. At the moment I find the mobile site a little cumbersome to navigate, and here's a couple of points as to where I think an app would shine.

    1. While direct messages to instructors and the community staff might be a bit difficult as I'm sure they've got plenty on their plate already - I'd quite enjoy being able to message other users to tell them how cool their project is, or ask them how they did something. Or even just start chatting about what's happening in their projects. The Discord server can provide that, but I'm personally not much of a discord user - or at least I haven't taken that leap yet. Also, not everybody might be open to recieving private messages from strangers, so perhaps it could be something akin to how instagram handles messages from people that you don't follow - it's more of a message request I guess. Or perhaps you can opt in to recieve messages via profile settings.

    2. Like a lot of other people here, I am quite active with asking and responding to questions on the community page or in video lessons. I get email notifications when there is activity to something I have engaged with, but every so often I don't recieve an email. So I find myself opening the community page, or checking my submissions etc to see if there are any new responses. Having my phone go "Ping!" when I get a notification directly from an app would be fab! I also find it to be a bit of a detour navigating to the notifications on the mobile site - I also unfortunately get hit with this popup quite often when selecting one. This also happens on the desktop website too (I'll attach the screenshot to the bottom of my post).

    3. I too agree with what has been said about setting goals and 'study reminders'. Perhaps a periodical reminder to stand up, stretch, and go look out the window to get some vitamin d could also go a long way, hah!

    5. I also enjoy reading Wes' weekly newletters, perhaps having an app notification for that when he posts a new one would be cool. As well as being able to converse at the bottom of it, much like we already can when they're posted to the community page. Maybe the newsletters could have their own page with the same functions as the community page, just to they don't get lost among everyone elses posts! - Actually on that note, are the weekly newsletters archived anywhere on the website? I wouldn't mind having a read back in time!

    All this being said, the CGCookie website is one of my most viewed websites on my phone according to the chrome app giving me suggestions for I where I likely want to go 🤘🤠🤘

    These are just a few that came to mind. While they are reiterations of what has been already said, they're thoughts I've personally had myself. If an app has been considered, and does pick up some steam in-house, perhaps a pinned post on the community page for everyone to see and add suggestions to would go a long way!

